Contact Your Representatives
My fellow Americans! It's time we start becoming INFORMED VOTERS. It's time we learn more about the 535 individuals that we have working for us, MANAGING our affairs up on Capitol Hill.
Contact your representatives in Congress and demand Campaign Reform! Send them a link to this website ( and demand they set up a National Campaign Information Website ( for the American people. One centralized location where by simply entering our zip code, we can not only find out who's running for office, but their views on all of the issues.
Please copy and paste the following text into your email:
Dear Honarable Congressperson:
I would like to inform you that WE THE PEOPLE, we the American Taxpayers, are as mad as Hell and we aren't going to take it anymore. $27 Trillion dollars in debt. There's only one way we'll ever be able to pay this money back - HIGHER AND HIGHER TAXES! Please help us stop the insanity! Help us save our great country!
If you're one of the good guys up on Capitol Hill, a COMMON SENSE DEMOCRAT, or a COMMON SENSE REPUBLICAN, who has the good of the American people in mind, let me say: Thank You for your service! ... and know that we want you to continue working for the American people for many years to come. If not, we want you FIRED, come next election!
If we're ever going to have a FUNCTIONAL CONGRESS, we need to know which of our elected officials to keep and which ones to replace ... and to do this, the American People need to become informed citizens, informed voters! This is where we desperately need your help! To truly know which Congressmen to replace, we need to know every plank on every candidate's platform. We need CAMPAIGN REFORM, specifically, a NATIONAL CAMPAIGN INFORMATION WEBSITE (
That said, WE THE PEOPLE are hereby asking that you enact legislation ... calling for the building of a National Campaign Information Website ( for the American people, and that it be built before the next election.
Congressman, it's time for you and your colleagues to ask not what your country can do for you, but to ask yourselves what YOU can do for YOUR COUNTRY!
For more information, please visit: . You may also want to checkout .
An American Patriot!
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How To Fix Congress!
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How to Fix Congress (98 pages).